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Radio Transmission Sweep

Radio Frequency (RF) vulnerabilities are more complex in terms of differentiating between legitimate RF devices deployed as part of company owned infrastructure and illegal interception devices which utilizes some form of RF distribute the intercepted information. 

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RF (Nearfield) Sweep

Wi-Fi routers, access points and Bluetooth devises means that a somewhat more rigorous assessment must be conducted. For the less sophisticated deployment of RF devices, we conduct a nearfield RF “sweep” which adheres to, as does all our tests, to a very specific standard operating procedure. Data is collected and recorded to ensures that we have a scientifically determined baseline against which future measurements can be compared.


RF (Free Space) Sweep

To respond to the more complex RF challenges we deploy a combination of Software Defined Radios and RF Spectrum Analyzers. This allows us to consider the RF vulnerabilities with more depth across a frequency range up to 12GHz as standard, but with the option of expanding this up to 50GHz where the risk dictates such expansion. This speaks to the scalability of our service.

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